
daft-apeth is none other than musician and artist, Sergio Pizzorno, also known as the creator, lead songwriter and lead guitarist of psychedelic British rock band, Kasabian. An alter ego of sorts, daft-apeth throws childhood iconography, his '80s child' memories, stream-of-consciousness thoughts and an absurd sense of humour into a motley of acidic, vivid artworks. A Leicesterian with Italian roots growing up in the 80s, Pizzorno’s practice delivers a quirky rendition of a nostalgia for this era’s classic British iconography, and draws from a visually detailed memory with sharp observation skills. Serge uses an expansive collection of media to present fragments of random overheard quotes, often drawing on his Midlands dialect, comic characters reminiscent of 80s British culture, arcade machines and 80’s television references.
Pizzorno acquaints the audience with his work by cleverly using quintessentially East Midlander colloquialisms and an abiding wink to a shared epoch of social and political solidity, turning his practice into a somewhat autobiographical narrative of an unequivocally British childhood influenced by after-school cartoons, visits to working men’s clubs and Ceefax pages.